faas-containerd - serverless without Kubernetes
A little over a year ago I started an experiment to see if I could build an OpenFaaS provider for containerd that would mean a computer »
This tutorial shows you how to punch out your private Kubernetes API server to the Internet, so that you can manage your cluster from anywhere, just »
Kick the tires with faasd today, for a lightweight serverless experience that doesn't require Kubernetes. Instead it uses containerd and the existing OpenFaaS ecosystem. Last updated: »
I started a new OSS project over the holidays last year, it was a side-project and not meant to be anything big. My team at the »
A little over a year ago I started an experiment to see if I could build an OpenFaaS provider for containerd that would mean a computer »
Up until recently, running OpenFaaS has meant either your platform engineering team running a Kubernetes cluster, or making use of our managed offering OpenFaaS Cloud. Today »