Video: Create a 2-node Kubernetes cluster

In this video tutorial we walk-through my latest blog on Kubernetes - we'll set up a cluster with the kubeadm tool on two Ubuntu hosts running 16.04, we'll then use the join token to bring the worker into the cluster. Once we have a healthy 2-node cluster we'll deploy a micro-service to generate GUIDs, expose it as a Kubernetes service and scale it up.

At the end you'll have a working multi-node cluster.


You'll need two VMs or bare-metal machines running Ubuntu. The original blog post showed how to quickly provision two machines on Equinix Metal for bare-metal hosts.

As I am based in the UK I can also recommend Civo which gives very low latency for London and Europe. Rather than using bare-metal Civo are building a brand new offering based upon OpenStack with features and tweaks added by user suggestions and feedback. If you join their KUBE100 program you can get free credit each month and launch managed k3s clusters.

Your cluster will be up and running in about 10 minutes - so this won't cost much on whichever servers you set it up on.

The video

The video starts with two hosts provisioned on Civo with an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS image. I'm logged in with tmux so I can switch between the two VMs.

You can follow along with the video or head over to the original tutorial here.

If you'd like more Docker and Kubernetes material you can subscribe on YouTube, Twitter @alexellisuk.

My blog series: