Deploy & scale your application on AWS with Docker Swarm

In this guide we will look at how to provision a set of 16 EC2 instances on AWS (Amazon Web Services) and then deploy an application with Docker Swarm services.

What the guide covers

  • Creating 16 Ubuntu 16.04 nodes in the EC2 console
  • An automated Docker installation
  • Automatic swarm uplinks
  • Deploying an application creating 16 replicas
  • Cleaning-up the AWS EC2 instances

Use case: distributed hash calculations (for cloud mining)

  • We join our nodes into crowd-sourced pool of processing power
  • Our nodes will calculate CPU-intensive hashes
  • We'll get paid a small dividend for our computing power and time
  • Docker Swarm's service function will handle the orchestration for us

A single node has a limited rate of calculating hashes, so we can increase that rate by joining many nodes together.

The Video

Cloudinit hacks

Most cloud providers give you an opportunity to run a custom script when your node is provisioned. The script is injected through a process called cloudinit

One hack I use in the scripts is to have the nodes reach out to an external website to find their public IP address. This is then passed into the docker swarm join call.

site=$(curl -s; \
 docker swarm join --advertise-addr $site   \
 --token SWMTKN-1-2nle9d1yoocuhtchkx9m1uba0xs8uwwquj1dq1v5ipjgp4fka5-aabs7ghllav8g7wjbv62zz3tp  \

The second hack I used was to automatically rename the cloud node with a suffix. Here's the script I used:

export original=$(cat /etc/hostname)
sudo hostname $original-alexellisio
echo $original-alexellisio | sudo tee /etc/hostname

Docker has a new solution for provisioning infrastructure on AWS called Docker for AWS. You can find out more about the beta program here:


Here are the gists that I used in the video:

This gist also contains some benchmarks of various cloud instances from other providers.

See also: