A bright 2019 for OpenFaaS

Let’s talk about the impact of working on OpenFaaS full-time for the past year and some important updates for 2019 including how you can help and get involved.

Looking back

Over 12 months ago I joined VMware to work full-time on OpenFaaS in the Open Source Program Office. While there I built out a team to complement the work of the community and to accelerate the development of both OpenFaaS (the main project) and to execute on my vision for OpenFaaS Cloud.

Over the year I travelled to, and spoke at, around a dozen events and conferences around the world making many friends & connections in the tech community.

Here are some of the things I’m most proud of over that time:

Moving on from VMware

This has been an amazing year for the project and a key part of that has been due to my ability to focus as a full-time employee with a salary from VMware whilst keeping OpenFaaS independent. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to grow and for those who championed my work and supported me during my time there.

As of today I will be moving on from VMware.

Historically the project has had strong interest from customers and potential sponsors. The community is pushing the project forward rapidly too. That gives me great pride and means I have the opportunity to consider many ways to keep working on the project myself.

I’m excited about what the next year will bring for our project and community. Let’s make 2019 an even brighter year for OpenFaaS.

Let's talk?

I founded OpenFaaS Ltd in 2017 and I'm now operating the business full-time. If you would like to hire me to help you design, implement and/or support your installation then get in touch: alex@openfaas.com.

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Connect with the community

If you're still figuring out where to place Serverless & FaaS in your work, or whether it's even relevant to your world catch up on all the latest with my video from GOTO Copenhagen and then get connected with the community using the links below.