Meet me at KubeCon 2018 EU

KubeCon 2018 EU is just around the corner and I heard from the CNCF's director Dan Kohn that there could be even more attendees than last year's event in Austin, TX.

Me with the guys from JetStack

Last year was my first KubeCon and I loved it! 318 people signed up for my talk on Serverless with Kubernetes & OpenFaaS which was recorded here. I met loads of really smart and friendly people, but it can be difficult to know where to start building your network. So I wanted to share some of my highlighted sessions along with some opportunity to meet up in person and talk about anything from Kubernetes, to Raspberry Pi to Serverless with OpenFaaS.

OpenFaaS @ GOTO Nights / Docker CPH

In the evening from 5pm Tuesday 1st of May I'll be opening GOTO Nights / Docker CPH with an introduction to Serverless with OpenFaaS and Kubernetes. This is a great introductory talk for anyone who wants to know about what Serverless is or is already kicking the tyres with functions.

Over the evening we'll be joined by great speakers like Kai Davenport who is speaking on Dotmesh.

Look out for my friend Stefan Prodan from Weaveworks. He is a core contributor to the OpenFaaS project and has worked with the community to build a Kubernetes CRD for functions.

I'll be bringing some SWAG along with me and if you'd like to meet this would be a great opportunity to sort out your sticker game.

  • Register

Spaces are limited so register for your place on the meetup page here:

Find out how @ColoriseBot can turn any black and white image to colour using OpenFaaS: Colorisebot comes to KubeCon and GKE

Office hours

I'll be at the VMware booth for two 1-hour slots over the event:

  • 10:30-11:30 Thursday
  • 12:30-13:30 Friday

If you didn't know yet - I joined VMware to work on open source full time. We've had some very cool swag made up (top secret..) just for the event so come by and grab some before it all goes.

Swag sent to Vivek in response to a great #FaaSFriday tweet

Recommended sessions

Speaker: Ed Wilde, Form3

Time: Wednesday, May 2: 11:55 - 12:30

I worked for Ed many years ago building C# applications and doing TDD & eXtreme Programming. I'm looking forward to hearing about how Linkerd was able to add resilience to his RPC (remote-procedure-call) stack. OpenFaaS uses HTTP(s) for RPC so I want to compare notes and see the pros/cons of this approach.

Speaker: Michael Hausenblas, Red Hat

Time: Tuesday, May 1: 18:15 - 18:20

Now this session conflicts with the Tuesday meet-up, but if you are taking in all the lightening talks then this talk by Michael seems to be a good high-level overview of the work being done by the various FaaS projects on Kubernetes.

Speaker: Ed King, Pivotal & Julz Friedman, IBM

Time: Wednesday, May 2: 15:40 - 16:15

Rootless containers mean we can restrict the privileges a container needs both at runtime and at build-time. I'm really interested in this for multi-tenant systems and for doing untrusted builds of Docker images in projects like OpenFaaS Cloud.

Can't make it?

Here's three ways to keep the conversation going:

Meet me at an upcoming event like DockerCon US in June where I'll be speaking on Serverless with OpenFaaS.