Multi-OS Serverless functions with Docker

In this post I'll show how you can build and deploy multi-OS containers with Docker and the OpenFaaS Serverless functions and why multi-OS clusters are important.

OpenFaaS is a serverless functions framework for Docker and Kubernetes which is experiencing viral growth and interest.

Windows and Linux play well together with Docker

Why do we need multi-OS?

In the container world Linux dominates, but as of last year Windows Containers support became GA and that meant running ad-hoc Docker containers with Windows executables was possible on Windows 2016 Server Core and Windows 2016 Nano Server.

See also: Windows Containers on Windows Server

Companies which have a skill-set based around the Windows operating system or legacy products to support can still benefit from using containers for packaging and running their code. Some companies make use Windows technology like .NET 4.5 alongside back-end services running on Linux such as: Redis, MongoDB or RabbitMQ.

Having a multi-OS or hybrid cluster means you can chose how to architect a solution - picking the right OS for each application or back-end.

Use-case: a hybrid serverless cluster

With Docker Swarm it's now possible to bootstrap a mixed-OS cluster and deploy services to the correct nodes through "placement constraints".

I'm going to list everything you need to do to deploy OpenFaaS on a multi-OS Linux and Windows cluster including a tester function for Windows.


What is a placement constraint?

A placement constraint specifies things which must be true about a node for Swarm to place your container there.

  • Linux only:
docker service create --publish 80:80 --constraint "node.platform.os == linux" nginx
  • Windows only
docker service create --publish 80:80 --constraint "node.platform.os == windows" microsoft/sample-nginx

There are other properties of nodes we can use for placement constraints including node labels such as a label for nodes with "SSD" storage, or high network bandwidth.

Constraints are also available in Kubernetes - Assigning Pods to Nodes

Build your cluster

  • Get Linux

You can provision your Linux host on any developer cloud or via a VM. We'll be using the Linux hosts to run the core OpenFaaS services.

Get Windows

The easiest way to get a Windows 2016 server is to pick the Windows 2016 Datacenter edition from the Azure marketplace.

There is also a free alternative in the Play With Docker project which will give you a temporary Linux host for up to 5 hours.

I tested a preview of Windows support in Play With Docker in this blog post - so keep an eye out for when that goes public.

Once you have setup two VMs or two hosts on the cloud you can connect them together with two commands:

On the Linux host:

$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr=<linux_public_ip_here>

On the Windows host:

$ docker swarm join <join-token> <linux_public_ip_here> --advertise-addr=<windows_public_ip_here>

Use the join-token from the command above, or type in docker swarm join-token worker.

An important step is to include the flag --advertise-addr which is not part of the default output you receive from the Docker CLI.

  • Now verify the hosts are connected:
ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY
k9ailx1aj9rrr9l0fb6zlk6bd *   lin-01              Ready               Active      
tnnccnfrhc296r88ou1q0cuxu     win-01              Ready               Active      

In this example I provisioned both hosts in the same region to reduce latency and data transfer fees.

  • Deploy OpenFaaS

Functions as a Service (OpenFaaS) - a serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes is available on GitHub.

On the Linux master deploy OpenFaaS - this should take less than 60 seconds.

$ git clone
$ cd faas
$ ./

A full deployment guide is available here for Docker and Kubernetes

  • Build a Windows Dockerfile

When I asked a fellow Docker Captain Stefan Scherer what I could run in a Windows Container that wouldn't also run easily in a Linux container he suggested ipconfig.exe - which gives the available IP addresses and adapters on a host or container.

This is what your Dockerfile looks like for OpenFaaS:

FROM microsoft/nanoserver:latest

ADD fwatchdog.exe

ENV fprocess="ipconfig.exe"

CMD ["./fwatchdog.exe"]


I've already built and pushed a Docker image called alexellis/windows-ipconfig:nano.

  • Get the FaaS CLI

Grab the FaaS-CLI from the GitHub releases pages. Download the "faas-cli.exe" and save it within your C:\Windows directory or somewhere in the %PATH% variable.

Let's create a YAML stack file for the OpenFaaS CLI:

  name: faas
  gateway: http://localhost:8080

    image: alexellis/windows-ipconfig:nano
    skip_build: true
      suppress_lock: true
      - "node.platform.os == windows"


Since we already have an image built out we can now go ahead and deploy the function:

> faas-cli.exe deploy -f stack.yml
Deploying: ipconfig.
Removing old service.
200 OK
URL: http://remote_ip:8080/function/ipconfig

You can now navigate to the OpenFaaS UI Portal on your Linux host via port 8080 and invoke the function or do it via the CLI with faas-cli invoke --help.

The IPv4 address of the container is highlighted in blue.

For an experiment you can scale up the ipconfig function to 5 replicas then hit "Invoke" over and over until you see all the IPv4 addresses shown in the command output.

Wrapping up

So we've taken a look at placement constraints and node OS properties which are built into Docker Swarm. We prepared a hybrid cluster and then deployed a Linux application OpenFaaS and create a Serverless function for a native Windows binary, then scaled it up.

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Find out more about OpenFaaS and Serverless

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